Thursday, September 26, 2013

The View from Dexter

Having a break between classes from 3 to 4 in the afternoon isn't such a bad thing. Especially when you get to lounge on the green grass and bask in the warm September sun on Dexter lawn for an hour. Eat some food, listen to music... Hey, I'm not complaining.

You know what else goes great with all this? The Tom Petty station on Pandora! To be blunt, I'm OBSESSED. How can you listen to those Heartbreakers, the Stones, the Beatles, and Springsteen and NOT be mellow and content with your life? That's what I thought. 

So if you're a fan of classic rock, check out that channel! I know Pandora is a bit phased out, but I promise, this will be worth a listen. And if you're not a fan of classic rock, you're not a human. Because 60s and 70s rock is the absolutely shit. You better believe it, baby.

<3 Syd 

Jazzy Hump Day

HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!! (Even though it's not technically hump day anymore...)

With absolutely nothing to do on Wednesdays besides class from 6 - 8 at night, I spent a good part of my morning and afternoon today runnin' around downtown SLO on the hunt for a new job! It was somewhat exhausting, but I'm feeling confident and I'm crossing my fingers for a successful outcome.

On another note (no pun intended hee hee), tomorrow I will be auditioning to accompany the Cal Poly Jazz band(s) as a vocalist!! I am SO excited, jazz music is a somewhat hidden interest of mine; I went to every single one of the CP University Jazz Bands' concerts last year, and I highly encourage you guys to check them out this year! Even if you think you might not be into it, I guarantee you'll find your feet tapping along with the beat at the very least.

So the song I have to sing for my audition tomorrow is called "It's a Great, Great Pleasure" by Jordan Luis.  I had never heard it before until a few days ago when I began rehearsing, but it's super fun and catchy! Instantly puts you in a happy, jazzy mood.  It's a classic for sure, and has been covered/re-recorded by many jazz artists including the great BB King.

I also thought I'd share one of my favorite jazz songs: "Pennies From Heaven"  by Louis Prima.  (It's the song that's played in the movie "Elf" when Buddy is walking the streets of New York and eating old gum.) It's a dandy song, if you ever want to start your day off on a guaranteed good note, I definitely recommend this song!

<3 Syd

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Can't I Melt Your Cold, Cold Heart?

Greetings, everyone.  Sorry I've been M.I.A. for such a long time, I didn't realize how long it had been! I've been readjusting to life on my own these past couple weeks; I moved back to SLO to begin my second year at Cal Poly (WOOOO!!!!!).

I will be living in my sorority house this year: the Pink Palace containing 18 lovely ladies who love to be cray cray.  And who love food.  It's literally so hard for me to stay awake long enough for me to write this right now because of all the unbelievably massive amounts of utterly delicious food I consumed this fine evening. Christ.

Despite having looked forward to coming back home to SLO literally all summer long, I can't help but feel a bit lonely lately.  It still feels like there's something missing, but I have no idea what.  It's barely been three weeks, but already I feel like I've been through so much! I turned 20 (help), caught up with my friends, made some new friends, started my old job at a new location, and began my Fall quarter classes yesterday.  YIKES.

Right now I am listening to the entire Norah Jones album "Come Away With Me," which is always a good idea.  Always.  It never fails to relax me or create serenity when I'm feeling a little rough after a long or weird day.  I've been going through this thing lately where I find myself really, really wishing I had a boyfriend.  Or at least someone to tell me I'm beautiful, to make me laugh, to hold me in his arms and all the rest of that wonderful cliche shit.  As much as I tell myself I'm totally and completely happy with my girls and my life the way it is, I know me... I definitely want a man in my life.  (Come on ladies, don't pretend you don't feel the same haha)

So anyhoo, Norah seems to be both sympathizing with these feelings how wonderful a man could be, yet also managing to remind me of how many times guys have let me go.  My two favorites are "Cold, Cold Heart" and "Lonestar." While Cold, Cold Heart reflects the feeling of having a man's pain from a former flame projected onto yourself, Lonestar sounds more hopeful, and perhaps reminiscent.

Perhaps the biggest challenge when it comes to relationships is that we sometimes struggle to acknowledge the fact that at some point, we have to accept that we cannot change a person, no matter how much we convince ourselves otherwise.  Just because something worked in the past does not mean it will ever work again, and that can be an extremely hard fact to accept without wincing a little from the pain it causes.

But, the good news is, good things happen when we least expect them.  So I'll carry on and keep busy, and maybe Mr. Wonderful will sweep you off your feet in the middle of Psychology class or something totally unrealistic like that.

God, I just read that sentence. Ew. Sorry guys I'm gonna stop now.  But go listen to some Norah Jones and let her sing you to sleep, and I promise, you'll feel better in the morning.

<3 Syd