Thursday, September 26, 2013

The View from Dexter

Having a break between classes from 3 to 4 in the afternoon isn't such a bad thing. Especially when you get to lounge on the green grass and bask in the warm September sun on Dexter lawn for an hour. Eat some food, listen to music... Hey, I'm not complaining.

You know what else goes great with all this? The Tom Petty station on Pandora! To be blunt, I'm OBSESSED. How can you listen to those Heartbreakers, the Stones, the Beatles, and Springsteen and NOT be mellow and content with your life? That's what I thought. 

So if you're a fan of classic rock, check out that channel! I know Pandora is a bit phased out, but I promise, this will be worth a listen. And if you're not a fan of classic rock, you're not a human. Because 60s and 70s rock is the absolutely shit. You better believe it, baby.

<3 Syd 

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