Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Finally, RAIN!!!! 

My favorite kind of Fall weather finally stopped hiding from me.  I don't care what anyone says, there is absolutely nothing better than waking up to the smell of fresh rain on the pavement outside your window, and hearing the gentle trickle and pitter patter of drops hitting the roof above you.  It is nature's most beautiful music.

On days like these, I find that there are no better companions than a Pumpkin Spice Latte and Coldplay.  My favorite band never fails to provide me with cozy comfort and absolute serenity as the grey clouds let showers fall to the earth below.

So of course, being that Coldplay is, indeed, my most favorite band, I am obliged to share with you all their most recent release!

Entitled "Atlas," it is a brand new track to be featured on The Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack.  But regardless of the album it is being released on (sorry if you're not a Hunger Games fan), this track is exquisite and utterly beautiful.

It begins with enchantingly soft piano riffs, and Chris Martin's low and sultry voice sings to us in an entrancing, almost lullaby-like state.  The song picks up about halfway through, slowly building in the music until Martin breaks through and sings louder: "I'll carry your world."

Really, a wonderful piece of music; Coldplay never seems to fail.

Maybe I'm biased.  I probably am. Maybe.

I just love them so much.

Anyway, I hope you give "Atlas" a listen, and I hope that if, like me, you are experiencing this wonderful first taste of Fall weather, you truly take it in and enjoy it.  I challenge you to find your place of serenity and contentment today.

Here's to a good second half of the week, cheers!

<3 Syd

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe I'm biased. I probably am. Maybe." LOL I love you... Coldplay is amazing.
