Sunday, July 21, 2013

Anger Un-Management / Song of the Day

Isn't it funny (but actually not at all) how your day can start out wonderfully perfect and then magically turn to a big pile of horse turd? We've all been there... Today, I was there.

I have a sister two years younger than me, which means (you guessed it) we fight ALL. THE. TIME.  I don't usually lose my cool but my sister is a full-blown expert at knowing how to really freaking tick me off, so sometimes I crack under pressure.  Anyway, the whole thing blew up and my house turned into an episode of Family Feud...

...which leads us to today's Song of the Day! We all have a favorite song for when we just want to punch a wall in or drive 100 miles per hour away from where we are, or just run until the anger sweats out of us.  Mine is Anthem Part 2 by Blink-182; yes, totally cliche with the adolescent angst-y lyrics and stuff, but hey, it does the job.

Hope y'all's Sunday Funday was better than my Not-So-Fun-Day! 

<3 Syd

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