Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hello blogosphere

Hello world!

My name is Sydney, I'm almost 20, soon to be a second year at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and an absolute music fanatic.  I've been singing since I was little, and after I realized athletics weren't my forte, music and singing became my home.  It's pretty much all I know and the only thing I've ever been truly passionate and driven for in my entire life.

It's beyond cheesy and cliche for me to say this, I know, but for me music is a language.  A song is more than something you listen to in the car while you're driving to school or work, it's a channel for communicating a thought, mood, idea, or emotion.  And on some level, we all know this, right? Otherwise we wouldn't deeply relate to some songs more than others, or have our Rainy Day/Just Got Dumped/I Just Want To Cry song, or play that one song on full volume after that hottie kisses you for the first time or after we ace that super hard final.

So that's why I created this blog.  I don't have a clue what I'm doing, I don't  even know if a single person will read this, but hey, I'm going for it.  I want to post about the ways music influences me and affects me on a daily basis, how it shapes my day to day life.  I'll be giving a taste of what goes on in my extremely exciting (sarcasm) life, and how music is a way for me to channel my energy and emotions.

I also love discovering new music and new artists! So feel free to share with me about what you listen to and enjoy, or anything new that you discover too, because I'll be posting about music I'm interested in on any particular day.

Thanks guys, cheers to an interesting experiment!

<3 Syd

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