Monday, July 22, 2013

US Open-Inspired Song of the Day

My friend Raychel and I at the US Open today! :)
It's that time of year again: the US Open of Surfing is here, wooo! For those of you who don't know, the Open always takes place in Huntington Beach, CA and I am beyond blessed to live a mere 15 minutes from this beautiful blue coast! (I don't care what anyone says, Orange County RULES.)

There's really not a whole lot to do at the US Open, unless you absolutely live for waiting in a line for an hour and a half just to get a cheap hat for FREE! Oh yeah, I guess you could watch the actual surf competition too. Anyway, the beach is, and always has been, my favorite place to be, so a lot of the music I listen to, especially in summertime, is inspired by the beach!

Sooo today's song of the day is "Never Let You Go" by Third Eye Blind.  It's a throwback for sure, but a classic nonetheless.  Great song for driving to the beach, lounging by the pool, or shreddin' the gnar (don't worry, I don't know what that means either).  Hope this song inspires you to find your blissful, sunny beach, wherever you may be this summer!

<3 Syd

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